Covid Update

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the US is seeing a drop in Covid-19 cases and deaths.  As of May 10th, the US has noted a total of 579,945 deaths attributed to Covid-19. But the 7-day moving average of daily deaths has fallen from 3095 on January 20th to only 608 this week.  If vaccinations remain high and simple mitigation measures —wearing masks and maintaining social distance when appropriate, and washing hands—are used, then this number should continue to rapidly decline.  

During a recent White House Press briefing, CDC Director Dr. Rachel Walensky said that these projections tell Americans, “We have a path out of this.”  Walensky continued, “Although we are seeing progress in terms of decreased cases, hospitalizations and deaths, variants (new forms of Covid-19 with slightly different genetic makeups) are a wild card that could reverse the progress we have made.”

The main three current variants include B.1.1.7 (UK Variant) 60%, B.1.526 (Brazil Variant) 9% and P.1 (Brazil Variant) 5%.  While all three variants pose higher risks of contagion and severity of disease, Walensky stated, “We are seeing that our current vaccines are protecting against the contaminant variants in the country.  Simply put, the sooner more and more people get vaccinated, the sooner we will all get back to normal.” 

This week the CDC issued emergency use authorization approval of the Pfizer vaccine for youths age 12-15, which should extend immunity to millions more Americans and help achieve herd immunity.  Herd immunity will be reached when 80% of the population are vaccinated or immune due to recovering from the disease, at which time the likelihood of the unvaccinated catching the disease becomes very low.  Currently nearly 60% of adults have received at least 1 vaccine dose and approximately 44% have been fully vaccinated.   By adding this new group of youths, and continuing to vaccinate more adults,  the US will get closer to herd immunity and also help control the development of new and possibly more dangerous variants.

For more information, visit these links: