covid-19 testing

What to Do While You Await a COVID-19 Test Result

From the OKLAHOMA State Department of Health

Released December 16, 2020

What was the reason for COVID testing?

1. If you have symptoms consistent with COVID:

• Stay home and away from others while you wait for your test results.

2. If you have been exposed to someone with COVID but are not having symptoms:

• You should stay home for 14 days from date of last contact with the COVID patient, if possible. If you remain free of symptoms through day 10, your quarantine can end on day 11, but you should continue to monitor

for symptoms, practice social distancing, and wear a face covering when around others through at least 14 days after last exposure. If you are tested on day 5 after last date of exposure or later, you can end quarantine after day 7 and once you have received a negative test result. You should continue to monitor symptoms, practice social distancing, and wear a face covering when around others through at least 14 days after last exposure.

3. If you were tested for surveillance purposes, with no known exposure to COVID, and are not having symptoms:

• If you were tested for an upcoming surgery, flight, travel, or another reason and you do not have a known exposure or symptoms, you do not have to stay home while awaiting results.

If your test is POSITIVE:

• This means you currently have COVID-19. If you have a previous positive COVID test, speak to your healthcare

provider about whether this is the same infection or a new infection. If it's more than 90 days since your last positive test, follow the instructions called "What to do if you test positive or are diagnosed with COVID-19 and

isolate yourself because reinfection with COVID can happen.

• Follow the instructions called "What to do if you test positive or are diagnosed with COVID-19."

• You should notify everyone you were in close contact with during the 2 days before your symptom onset or test date (whichever is earlier) through to the date you are notified of your test result. Close contacts include, but are not limited to: household members and people within 6ft of you for 15 minutes or more. If during that time period, you worked at, or spent time in, a high-risk setting, please notify the facility of your positive test result immediately. Examples of high-risk settings include childcare, school/college setting, healthcare, correctional facility, homeless shelter, long-term care facility, or residential care facility. Work with them to provide a list of your close contacts.

• All close contacts should follow a 14-day quarantine period from their last date of exposure, if possible. There are two alternatives to the 14-day quarantine period. If the person remains free of symptoms through day 10, their quarantine can end on day 11, but they should continue to monitor for symptoms, practice social distancing, and wear a face covering when around others through at least 14 days after last exposure. If close contacts receive a negative test result from a sampling on day 5 or later after their last date of exposure, then they can end quarantine after day 7. They should continue to monitor symptoms, practice social distancing, and wear a face covering when around others through at least 14 days after last exposure. Unless you completely stay away from your household members during the 10 days you are infectious, their quarantine period does not start until the end of your isolation {10 days after symptom onset or positive test, whichever is earlier). That means household members could be in quarantine longer than one of the quarantine options listed above.

If your test is NEGATIVE:

• This means you do not currently have COVID-19. However, you could still be exposed or become sick at any time.You should continue to take steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

• If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or your symptoms worsen, talk to your doctor or other health care

provider about getting tested again.

• If you were tested on day 5 or later from your last day of exposure so you could end quarantine early, you should stay at home until after day 7 from your last date of exposure.

Additional information can be found at Oklahoma State Department of Health COVID-19 Website OR cal! the Oklahoma Helpline 2-1-1 (available 24/7).