No doubt you are being inundated with information about the coronavirus outbreak. The news media have done a good job of getting out the message and informing the general public about coronavirus and the unprecedented need for social distancing and also working from home, when possible.

This is a very serious situation that requires our best efforts to reduce infections and contagion while awaiting effective treatments and immunizations.  Use this link for general information about coronavirus:

Several patients and family members have contacted me about the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for treatment and prevention of illness. Unfortunately, at this time there are no drugs approved for use in treating coronavirus patients. Research is proceeding as fast as possible, however.
Please copy and past this link for more information:

Meanwhile, my office remains open for necessary appointments and we will soon be available for telehealth virtual appointments. At first these appointments will be conducted by telephone, and we hope to have video telehealth appointments available soon. Watch for another email announcing when these innovations are up-and-running.  

Call the office with any questions. This world crisis is going to test us in so many ways. Together we'll through it.