Screening for Mental Health Conditions

          The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF),a  volunteer group of physicians determines the best practices for the wellness and prevention services that are provided in medical offices around the country. (Click this link to learn more about the USPSTF).)

            Recent USPSTF recommendations published in the Journal of the American Medical Association call for routine screening for both anxiety and depression at each health care visit.

            In keeping with these guidelines, my medical assistants will begin asking a few questions regarding possible anxiety and depression when you see me for an appointment.  If your answers suggest a possible problem, we will explore those issues during your visit.

            Why is this important?  Evidence conclusively shows that patients with untreated and significant  anxiety and depression have worse health outcomes, are more likely to be hospitalized, and spend more money on health care than those without these conditions.

            Participation in this initiative is voluntary.  Feel free to ask about this new feature of my practice at any office visit.