Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headaches

According to the American Migraine Foundation, “migraine headaches are a “disabling neurologic disease that affects at least 39 million Americans.” The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 3 percent of emergency department visits are due to migraine attacks. Women are 3 times more likely than men to experience migraines. There is also a strong familial component; if one parent has migraines, children have a 50 percent chance of developing migraines and if both parents have migraines their offspring have a 75 percent chance of developing migraines.

Am I Forgetting Something

Am I Forgetting Something

Ever wonder why most contestants on quiz shows such as Jeopardy tend to be younger, while heads of state and United Nations representatives tend to be older? It has to do with memory and how it changes with aging. This blog will address some of the normal changes in memory as we age and what things affect our ability to remember, and then contrast normal aging with the serious condition that many people fear, Alzheimer’s disease.

Could Finding its Cause Reveal a Cure for MS?

Could Finding its Cause Reveal a Cure for MS?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system affecting 2.8 million people worldwide, attacks the myelin sheathes that protect nerve cells, which can disrupt the flow of information between the brain and body. MS often leads to a progressive loss of function of the affected nerve cells that can lead to severe disability and even death.